Nexcare Rapid Flex Digital Thermometer
3M Nexcare™ Rapid Flex Digital Thermometer. Oral, underarm or rectal use. Soft flexible tip for added comfort. Fast 10-second read-out*. Fahrenheit or Celsius. Easy to read night light display.
Please read full instructions before using. Guaranteed accuracy. Added safety. No glass to break, mercury free. Easy to use: Last temperature recall. Fast, 10-second read out*. Battery and storage case included. Automatic shut-off. Oral, underarm or rectal use. Signals when complete. Clinically proven to match glass thermometer accuracy. Large night light display for easy reading. Can be used in either Fahrenheit or Celsius mode. *10 seconds time based on average of times for rectal use in clinical testing. Questions 1-800-537-2191. 3M and Nexcare are trademarks of 3M. ©3M 2011.